Title: “Jus Jasai’s ‘Coi Leray Freestyle’: A Spontaneous Creation of Raw Talent”
Describing The Song: “Discover the captivating story behind ‘Coi Leray Freestyle’ by Jus Jasai. This track was born out of a spontaneous studio session on January 27th, 2022, in Burbank, California. Joined by members of his crew and even his visiting uncle from Texas, Jus Jasai effortlessly created this freestyle masterpiece on the spot. It’s important to note that ‘Coi Leray Freestyle’ is not intended to mimic or be about Coi Leray but rather showcases Jus Jasai’s playful gestures and free-flowing lyrical prowess. The beat was produced by his talented producer in Kenya, while Jus Jasai added his own touches to complete the musical composition. Immerse yourself in this accidental creation that highlights Jus Jasai’s raw talent and undeniable creativity.”The post first appeared on Jus Jasai Official Website.